Tuesday, November 14, 2006

How to Find Your Child's Genius..!

To discover your children's genius you must first
Find out how they like to learn and why they will
Learn something.

For example, I did not learn to swim because I
did not want to learn to swim. I learned to swim
because I wanted to surf. If not for surfing, I had
no interest in learning to swim, and forcing me to
learn only made me hate swimming even more.
Instead of starting me in the shallow end with all
the kids, I was much happier jumping in the deep
end and learning to survive. The same is true with
learning to read financial statements. I did not learn
accounting because I wanted to be an accountant. I
learned basic accounting because I wanted to be rich.
If you think my swim strokes are ugly, you should see
My accounting.

Instead of forcing me to conform and follow the
traditional ways of learning, this is the way of
encouragement to "Jump in the deep end and swim
for my life."

Everyone has their own learning style. People learn
in more traditional ways. Many people go to school,
enjoy the classroom, and enjoy following a prearranged


Many like knowing that at the end of the curriculum
they will get a reward. They like the idea of knowing
that they will get a passing grade or a degree for their
efforts. As I said, they like the certainty of the reward
at the end of the program. Just as my friend Willy did
well at swimming because he loved swimming, many
people do well in school because they like school.

A key to people's success in life is finding out how they
learn best and ensuring that they are in an environment
that allows them to continue learning in the ways they
learn best. The problem is, finding out exactly how we
learn and what our natural gifts are is often a hit-and
miss process. Many people never find out their gifts. Once
they leave school, they get jobs, and then they cannot
continue the personal discovery process owing to financial
or family reasons.

Courtesy: Rich kid, smart kid - Robert T. Kiyosaki with
Sharon L. Lechter, C.P.A


prabu said...

very nice article... I liked especially the last part...
- //The problem is, finding out exactly how we learn and what our natural gifts are is often a hit-and miss process. Many people never find out their gifts. Once they leave school, they get jobs, and then they cannot continue the personal discovery process owing to financial or family reasons.//

may be you can highlight or underline it, as its the take home message.

keep posting such articles

Sowmya said...

thank u so much bu..!