Sunday, December 31, 2006

New year __/\__ Resolutions..!

Everyone has the special regards over the first day of the year. All over the world, the new year celebrations are well planned to welcome the forthcoming year. People used to accustom with grand parties over night and these are all the sign of opening the year with warmth.

Some people used to take resolutions and they set a goal to achieve them , through out that year. Resolutions,if carried out successfully, not only act as short-term goals to success but also helps to improve life and overcoming those habits, which we do not like.

The unfortunate reality is that , for most people, the year goes by with little or no change. We do our jobs and live our lives, but our dreams don't come true. Some things do change, but life doesn't seem all that different. Not like we hoped..

The New Year is a good time to make resolutions. but what is the point of taking resolutions,if we can't keep them.We need to have the desire, the will power to execute the plan .We should plan the requirement a month before the new year eve. So that, We can strengthen the ways of executing them.

Take time to review the last year resolution and Measure the success with your actual requirement. This will help you to know, where you lack and what could be done further to fullfil it. Be clear with what you need and what you are going to achieve.Take only one resolution at a time. So that ,the focus can be core. Decide , what reward can be given to you after you achieve the target. This will boost up your desire whenever you slow down the process.

Sometimes its easy to forget the resolution after the New Year euphoria passes away, and one is tempted to postpone the resolution to the next year. Plan to remind yourself of it throughout the year. Write your resolution and stick it , in a place where you can see it often.

Enhance your strengths, act against your weakness and see what and how you can utilize the opportunities for the year and see, whether you have to prepare yourself against any threats.

Wish you all have a Happy and Prosperous New Year 2007..


Jeevan said...

U said it right, most of us are not following the resolution. i don't like on taking resolutions on particularly on New Year, if we like to do or follow something we should done it at the time and not waiting for New Year.

Sowmya said...

well said jeevan