Wednesday, May 23, 2007

Three Cs for one C

- Clarity
- Congruency
- Consistency


Clarity means discovering what you are designed to do. One of the greatest benefits of Clarity is having realistic expectations for yourself. Clarity allows you to have realistic expectations of what you can and can not do.It’s one thing to know what you are designed to do.

The main idea of Congruency is to align what you do. When it comes to congruency, most of us are rather badly out of alignment. You may need to make some adjustments. Most will be incremental, but some may be radical, such as changing professions. The goal is to spend more time using your strengths. That’s where performance and satisfaction both peak.

Consistency means staying with it. Its just like the traffic in a city.You accelerate as the light turns green, only to stop at the red light on the next corner. This pattern of starting and stopping repeats itself over and over as you make your way to your destination. It’s impossible to gain any momentum.

Careers can have momentum, too. Career momentum is achieved by practicing Clarity and Congruency over a long period of time. Dr. Bernard Bloom of Northwestern University discovered that it takes between ten and eighteen years to achieve world-class performance in any career. You’ll never get there if you keep switching careers.The secret to gaining momentum in your life is to do what you are designed to do over a long period of time. It all starts with Clarity. So go ahead with the all three Cs and choose the career according to your interest and skills.

Have a wonderful living with your own choice.

Wednesday, May 02, 2007

Vipassana Meditation

Dhamma Podcasts: A Simple Path - Part 1

Dhamma Podcasts from A Simple Path - Part 2

Dhamma Podcasts from A Simple Path - Part 3

Sunday, April 15, 2007

Richard Dawkins - The Big Question: Why are we here?

To see more video clips of Richard Dawkins visit here.

A gossip about Gossip !

Go..ssip !

Every one gossip about someone , seek excitement doing that. We are more interested to know about others. And we like others should get revealed to us. We don’t normally see the gossip under the indecent way of behaviour. Gossip is everywhere, from low level to VVIP level. We dont even have an idea, why we are suppose to gossip about someone to other. But its interesting to do. And we also think, its harmless doing gossips. We find pleasure out of it and passing time by munching someone’s actions.

Why we gossip?

I think, we gossip about others because we are not sufficiently interested in the process of our own thinking and of our own action. We want to see what others are doing and perhaps, to put it kindly, to imitate others.

Gossip! It is a form of restlessness, Like worry, it is an indication of a restless mind.
The person, who is hearing the gossip from some one, seems to think that others are revealed to him by his being concerned with them ,with their doings, with their thoughts, with their opinions.

But do we know others if we don't know ourselves? Can we judge others, if we do not know the way of our own thinking, the way we act, the way we behave.

“f you are aware about your gossip to some one, it will indicate an awful lot to you about yourself. You can even cover up your behaviour by saying that you are inquisitive. It indicates restlessness, a sense of excitement, a shallowness, a lack of real, profound interest in people which has nothing to do with gossip.- J.K”

Is anyone interested in gossips, even after reading this :)

Sunday, March 18, 2007

Achieve the Excellence !


Every now and then you encounter someone who demonstrates excellence on the job. It might be a manager who generates both high performance and loyalty in his teams. It could be a teacher with a knack for unlocking the desire to learn in each student. Excellence, true excellence, is something we prize but seldom see. It is a joy to encounter someone who is truly excellent at what they do.

One comment that is heard time and again about those who demonstrate excellence is, "He/she is a natural at it." They don’t seem to struggle to be excellent. it just flows. That is always a sign of motivation, and there in lies

The first key: Motivation is required for excellence.

Motivation is what we like to do naturally. It’s like being right or left- handed. We don’t even think about it. We just write. The same is true for people known for excellence. They have a group of motivations that work in concert to help them perform at a higher level. Like all motivations, these were inborn and are as much a part of them as being blue-eyed or tall.

But there is a second key: Motivation can be developed.

People who demonstrate excellence have identified their motivations and worked hard to develop them. They have added knowledge, skill, experience and practice to consistently produce at the highest levels.

By the way, there is a flip side to these two keys, and it is this: The best we can be with low motivation is adequate. No matter how hard we work and desire it, in the long run we will never be excellent at something without high levels of motivation in that area. In other words, if we toil in areas where we have low motivation, we resign ourselves to mediocrity.

To achieve excellence in every work , we are suppose to be self motivated towards the work. If we feel the motivation is inadequate to achieve the excellence , then we must work on it and we must develop the skill of being motivated.

“Moral excellence comes about as a result of habit. We become just by doing just acts, temperate by doing temperate acts, brave by doing brave acts. – Aristotle “

Thursday, March 08, 2007

Where our talents gets stimulated..?

Motivation is what we LIKE to do naturally. Talent is what we DO well naturally. They can exist independently, but when they combine, they create something special. They create motivated talents.

People often are naturally good at something (talented), but it just doesn’t turn them on. For example, Hema is good with numbers, but she doesn’t go out of her way to find tasks calling for that talent. Most people have such talents. But then there are those talents that we really enjoy using. These are the motivated talents, and this is where the magic is.

We use motivated talents every chance we get. Most of the time we don’t even think about it. For example, raju has a motivated talent for conversation, and he naturally engages both friends and strangers in dialog. He doesn’t consciously determine to do so. it just happens. It’s natural and unforced. He enjoys it,and he is good at it. That is the hallmark of a motivated talent.

Motivated talents tend to be irrepressible. They find expression. In fact, if you have ever tried to stifle a motivated talent (either yours or someone else’s) it probably felt like you were trying to hold two dozen ping pong balls under water at the same time. Motivated talents pop out, even if no one else is asking for them. And doesn’t that make sense? After all, it’s what we do well and enjoy.

(An idea I got it from Bubble theory- ref)

Wednesday, February 14, 2007

Build on your strengths

Did you know that Babe Ruth, a famous baseball player, was once a pitcher? At one point he made the deliberate decision to stop pitching so he could focus on batting. He took a lot of heat for his decision because he was a GOOD pitcher. He stuck with his decision though because he knew he had the motivation to be a GREAT batter.

Often the difference between being good and being great is making adjustments that allow you to spend more of your time developing your greatest strengths.Ever had an annual performance review where the first part was about the wonderful things you did that year, but then the focus quickly shifted to a discussion about shoring up your weaknesses? It’s an all-too-common scenario. And it’sprobably a waste of time.

The "fix your weaknesses" school believes that with enough discipline, determination and training, anyone can do anything.Unfortunately, it confuses weaknesses and limitations. Weaknesses reflect a lack of skill (how to do something) or knowledge (what you know).Weaknesses can be overcome by education, training,experience and practice. On the other hand, limitations reflect a lack of motivation (what you do well naturally). These really can’t be overcome, because new motivations can’t be acquired.

In fact, if a person has low motivation in a particular area,spelling for example, there is very little likelihood that he or she will ever be a great speller. The best they will be is adequate. Who wants to be adequate?It’s a much better idea to build on your strengths.If you want to move up from being good to being great, know what your talents and motivations are, and build on them.Why? Because you will develop what you do best and enjoy most. These are your strengths, and they are yours for life.You can build on them, and they won't let you down. Think about it: what would your life be like if you got paid to do what you do best and truly enjoy? Awesome, isn’t it?


Saturday, February 10, 2007

Tears tares the ego..

Tears, idle tears,
Tears, soulful tears,
Tears, helpless tears,
Tears, determined tears,
Before I accepted The life of aspiration,
My tears were the tears Of real sorrow.
Now that I have accepted The life of aspiration,
My tears are not tears of sorrow But tears of real joy.
I like the tears That flow from the depth Of my helpless despair.
I love the tears That flow from the depth Of my dawning aspiration.
I adore the tears That flow from the depth Of my Liberation-sea.

-Sri Chinmoy

What! a lovely poem.. hmm I feel the same way as expressed in the poem..

Tears are the only outlet to ventilate one's extreme emotions like sorrows & happiness. Only humans can get to know what is smile and how it spreads over as a mood , which is healthy and also welcome by everyone. As we accept Smile while being happy, and so should we have to accept the tears while being sad. Tears are always considered to be an unwanted way of expression in one’s life. As long as, emotions are part and parcel of our life, we just cant avoid tears.

In fact, one should feel happy to get tears at their eyes. It’s a right way of ventilating and understanding one’s own feeling, whether the feeling is sad or happy. Tears shows the depth of the feeling. From tears , we are about to know our own personality, the values we respect, and it also strengthen one’s mind to get out of the sad mood.

I love to cry more.. Because , only those tears showed me who I am in different environment.

Friday, February 09, 2007

I read from a blog..

Lies We Believe About Feelings:

Most of what we currently believe about emotions is false. Here are some of the beliefs we have about feelings. These beliefs are not all inclusive, because each individual, each family and each culture has unique beliefs regarding emotions, most of which are not true. But knowing about these lies may help you to unravel the mystery of our past and how we got captured.

LIE #1: There are "good" feelings and "bad" feelings.

All feelings are good because they reflect back to us how an experience is affecting us. If we pretend that certain feelings are bad, rather than the experience is making us feel bad, it is like we are beating the wagon to make the horse move. Now, some feelings we do enjoy more than others; and we would like to continue to feel some feelings and stop feeling others. But the way to stop feeling an emotion we do not like is to stop experiencing whatever it is that is painful or hurtful.

LIE #2: We can decide how we are going to feel.

You can choose to change your mind, but you cannot just choose to change your feelings, not without damaging your soul and possibly losing a large part of yourself. You can tell a child not to be angry at someone, but that will not stop the anger. It will only teach a child to hide the anger and suppress the feelings, AND, MORE IMPORTANTLY, teach the child that feelings are wrong or bad. Feelings are important to us because they tell us what we like and don't like. I will say this over and over again. I may react to something differently than you do because my reaction (which comes from my feelings), comes from who I am. You may not like to swim and your feelings tell you so. I may love to swim and my feelings tell me so. Each person is unique. Each person's feelings come from the deepest part of the self, to tell us who we are and how we want to live our lives and what we want to do and who we want to be with. We must not let the mind or intellect tell us what to do, when it is contrary to how we feel. The intellect, when it is working at its best, is making decisions for us and for our good based on how we feel.

LIE #3: Feelings lie. They are an unreliable barometer of the truth.

Our emotions are our surest way to know what is true about any situation. Our emotions always tell us the truth long before the mind can understand a situation or discern danger. This is partly because the mind is primarily a linear thing. It sees, thinks, and makes decisions in a linear fasion. Whereas the discernment that comes from our soul, our emotions, is very different. Our emotions respond to feeling nuances in a situation as a whole, even without mental understandings. You might be used to thinking of this as instinct, intuition, gut reaction, sensing. Whatever you call it, the emotions have the power to keep us safe and help us understand the world and ourselves by telling us the whole truth about a person or situation. However, there is a problem: when emotions go unexpressed, they freeze in time. What this means is that we often respond to a present day situation with a backlog of stored frozen emotions from our past. This is inappropriate, obviously, but that doesn't mean the emotions are lying. All it means is that in order to be able to respond and feel truly in the present with all of our resources, we need to heal all the old trapped, frozen emotions we have locked up in the attic.

LIE #4: Once you have experienced emotional trauma and deep pain, you are stuck with the feelings forever and must learn to live with them, overcome them and ultimately suppress them.

Once feelings have been released, wonderful natural processes begin to spontaneously activate. A re-evaluation process takes place and gives you new understanding. Awarenesses that you did not have before lead to changed beliefs and new decisions, and an outpouring of love and forgiveness takes place automatically. There is no hurt that cannot be healed, whether it is a hurt we have given or hurt we have received. All hurt feelings can be released until they are gone. This is part of the miracle of how feelings work if they are allowed to function naturally.
Our feelings must be allowed to surface and we must process them if we are to understand what they have to teach us. Unprocessed feelings do cause many problems. But feelings that have been accepted, honored and allowed to move through tears, are the most valuable tool we have.

LIE #5: You are what you feel.

As long as emotions are allowed to express organically, as long as they are not suppressed or judged, they can heal and evolve. You can feel murderous hatred and desire to kill someone. This does not make you evil or bad. This doesn't make you a murderer (unless you ACT on the feeling). All it means is you have a feeling that needs acceptance and expression, and once given those two precious gifts, will move itself to healing and will no longer be whatever it was. It will evolve naturally and spontaneously into something else. We all suffer under the weight of this lie that says what we feel is who we are, and therefore we try our best to suppress all feelings that we judge as bad, wrong, evil, or unloving.

Wednesday, January 24, 2007

An answer to a Blogger Question..

Q: "Being alone is heaven " one soul said. That is not the truth.
Sharing is heaven"

A: Like to be alone is completely different from feeling loneliness. The exact meaning for loneliness is unhappy .Because you have no friends or people to talk to, you feel the loneliness. Loneliness is a sad feeling feel by a person when he misses something aroud him. But aloneness is, something , a person like to be with.

A person who like to be alone, chooses the environment where he/she feels the enjoyment within himself/herself. It is a tendency of being detached from the group, without planning or trying to be alone from the group. No one can do any practice to develop that tendency of being alone.

I am not saying, being alone is heaven for someone who really don’t want to be alone. There are people who like to be with a group, like to share things with the group. I am not declaring , aloneness fetches you heaven in earth, if you adopt that. Instead, I said, the people who like to be alone finds more enjoyment with their aloneness.

I can even say in a simple way too. Sharing needs two people atleast. If the other person , whom we like to share our things may differ from the thoughts of what we share to him/her. Sharing expects recognition.

Why we like to share things?.

We like to put ourself in a comfort zone by sharing. It is one of the way of getting recognition from the person to whom we share our things. Its all depend upon the person. We would like to share our things to people who are ready to listen/accept/console. Sharing doesn’t mean to be positive all the time. It also includes criticisms/difference of opinions.

Sharing can happen with a person often, if he/she gives you the comfort of understanding. We cant share things with everyone, even when we like to be in the group. Sharing is possible only with people who has better understanding about us and about the concept what we deliver. It’s a kind of happiness we feel, when someone really understand us or listen us wholeheartedly. Most of the people prefer to share things with others. They feel some peace by sharing.

The people who prefer to be alone feels the same peace , even they are out of group. I am not degrading the people who like to be with the group. But I can say, for SOME, being alone is preferable and they feel more enjoyment while they are alone compare to be with the group.

Thursday, January 11, 2007

LIFE also has it's own life..

Life is known as to be an all or nothing, battle between misery and bliss. Sometimes life is just okay, sometimes it is comfortable, sometimes wonderful, sometimes boring, sometimes unpleasant. too. When our day is not perfect, then we consider that into a failure or a loss.

We already know that we have to live life as it comes. But , We are not aware of the fact. We have an expectation of being happy or we expect life should give us happiness all the time. We just cant take a day with sorrow as an another day.

Life moves on, whatever happens. Life has no other discipline to impose, if we would be realize it, than to accept life unquestioningly. Everything we shut our eyes to, everything we run away from, everything we deny, denigrate or despise, serves to defeat us in the end.

Life's up and downs provide windows of opportunity to determine our values and goals. We have to think of using all obstacles as stepping stones to build the life as we want. Instead of looking at life as a narrow funnel, we can see it ever-widening to choose the things we want to do.

We can get to know about the value of life from a person who is in the death bed. We really don’t understand the worth of life and the time we spent on it. We can realize that when we truly know and understand that we have a limited time on earth and that we have no way of knowing when our time is up, that we begin to live each day to the future. As if it was the only one we had.

“I couldn't care less what anybody says about me. I live my life, especially my personal life, strictly for myself.... Whatever you do, you're going to be criticized.I feel the one sensible thing you can do is try to live in a way that pleases you. ~ Johnny Carson

Face life with an open mind. So that every moment can become a source of beauty and joy. Life is full of golden moments for people , if they have the vision to recognize it as such.